Paper Rainbeaus


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About page

My name's Isobel!

I’m a hand lettering artist, calligrapher and illustrator based in Warwickshire in the UK. I first started lettering in 2016 when I was in a difficult place mentally, and it was pretty much love at first letter… Okay, maybe not the very first letter because my first letters weren’t that loveable, but they were a start. I’d admired lettering for as long as I can remember, long before I knew what lettering even was. From the moment I could write, I’d been trying to recreate pretty letters. After discovering that hand lettering is an actual thing back in 2016, I started teaching myself brush lettering and modern calligraphy. I taught myself for the first six months or so, and after realising that this passion of mine wasn’t going away, I invested in my first lettering course. After mastering brush lettering and modern calligraphy, I went on to study the technicalities of hand lettering. And the rest, my friend, is history… And by that, I mean that I invested in many more courses and worked at it a lot, and now here we are! 

Known for adding colour to everything and for working my animals into nearly every conversation (look how cute my dogs are though,) I’ve found my creative spark to be at its brightest when I’m helping to bring other people’s creative visions to life. There’s something truly magical about handing over a lettering project to somebody and seeing them light up because it’s exactly what they were looking for, even if at first they didn’t know exactly what they were looking for. That lights me up.


Other major interests include, but are not limited to: animals – you’d never have guessed, would you? 😉 ; my niece and nephew; books; green tea; and crafts. When I’m not working on client projects, I can usually be found working on personal projects (you can shop prints of my artwork here!), working on my passion project (The Positive Post Project), and getting distracted by how cute my animals are… see? I can’t shut up about them.

If you have a business enquiry, click here. If you’d like to get in touch for any other reason, you can email me at

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